Episode 11: Business Succession - It Starts from Day One with Victoria Sopik and Amelia Warren


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“Don't underestimate how long it is going to take and how much energy, effort and emotional labour it is going to require. Just keep going.” – Amelia Warren, Epicure

Succession planning is often not something entrepreneurs consider until it’s usually too late. As your business grows and evolves, you may one day be faced with the reality that you have to let your business go or transition it to new leadership. In this week’s episode of The Go-To, we dive into the importance, and necessity, of forward thinking with Victoria Sopik, Co-Founder and CEO of Kids & Company. Then, Amelia Warren, CEO of Epicure, shares what happened when she unexpectedly found herself in a leadership role and what she did to support herself. This episode will have you contemplating what your future will look like, and encourage you to start planning it.

In this episode:

  • Victoria Sopik shares how she has planned for her succession since the beginning

  • Discover how important knowing your culture is when it comes to leaving your legacy

  • Amelia Warren reveals how she felt about being thrown into a CEO role and the challenge of following in her mother’s footsteps

  • Learn how Amelia adjusted her way of thinking to truly own her role as CEO

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“Umm... I Missed That”

Entrepreneurship is a world of its own, which means the some of the lingo used might get lost in translation. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are a few of the key terms you’ll hear on this episode of The Go-To and what they actually mean.

“Stay” interviews: an interview with between a manager and a valued employee to understand what makes them want to “stay” within an organization.

Succession planning: The planning process for identifying and developing new leaders (likely internal) who can replace current or past leaders when they leave, retire or pass away.



Meet Our Guests

Victoria Sopik, Co-Founder & CEO, Kids & Company


The daily tug-of-war between balancing a career and raising children can leave parents torn between both worlds.

Victoria Sopik, CEO and Co-founder of Kids & Company, (mother of 8 and grandmother of 8), understands this delicate balancing act. Victoria’s experiences as a working mother and devoted parent have had a profound impact upon her, and they have made her determined to make a difference by helping working parents and concerned employers with work-life challenges.

As CEO, Victoria oversees the company’s strategic direction and provides leadership to the company’s management team to deliver industry leading child care services. Victoria has a long and distinguished career in the child care industry. Kids & Company is the culmination of over 35 years of experience as an entrepreneur and child care and parenting expert. Kids & Company has served over 40,000 children and created thousands of jobs across Canada.

Victoria lends her time, skill and leadership to benefit the child care industry and community by presenting at a variety of events, workshops and conferences across Canada.

Victoria’s “Go-To” Advice:

  • Be thoughtful and always keep the idea of succession planning in your mind

  • Ensure you are constantly coaching, training, and sharing

Learn more about Victoria Sopik and Kids & Company at kidsandcompany.com and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.


Amelia Warren, CEO, Epicure


Amelia is CEO of Epicure, a 20 year old company that helps time starved families cook good food real fast. Epicure recently launched into the US and their wholesome blends, timesaving cookware and solutions are shared by over 15,000 good food ambassadors across North America. As one of the youngest CEOs in her industry and new mom, Amelia is committed to aligning profits with purpose whether that’s through her mission to transform the health and wellness of this and the next generation through good food or her charitable work.

Amelia’s “Go-To” Advice:

  • Engage with your customers and consultants directly so that you can understand the strengths and weaknesses of the company

  • If you want to change something, make sure you’ve really tested it before implementing it

Follow Amelia on Instagram at @ameliaswarren or connect with Amelia at epicure.com and at @epicureofficial



“The Go-To: For Entrepreneurs in the Know” is produced in collaboration with The Scotiabank Women Initiative™. Thank you for your support!